Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Trisphuta old study

--- In, "R.C.Srivastava" <swami_rcs@y...> wrote:>
Dear Sajji,
By now concept of Trisphuta application in prasna and method of calculation has been shown by Hon sri Ramadas Rao and other experts. I am not aware of kerala tradition but have tried application that I learned from Dr BV Raman translation of Prasna Marg and writings of Sh Deepak Kapoor auther of prasna shastra. Writings of Sri Kapoor as understood and tried are summarised below .It is for additional information and further elucidiation.
1. Longitudes of Lagna +Moon+Mandi= long of trisphuta.
2. Examine where it falls in prasna chart related to querry of sickness( this is where i tried to apply)
3. Immense sufferings are indicated if TRSP(Trisphuta) falles in watery sign in increasing zodical order.( More sufferings if sign occupied is pisces decrasing order next Scorpio and last cancer)
4. Similar principal is applied w.r.t constellations.That is In Nak ruled by Jupitor ill effects are least.In Nak of Sat ill effects are middling and in Nak of Mercury ill effects are maximum.
5. TRSP falling in last Navamsa of Cancer may indicate death within one year.TRSP falling in last Navamsa of Scorpio death may be in one month and similarly last Navamsa of Pisces may indicate demise or critical condition the next day.
6. TRSP falling in damaging signs Sag Cap Aqu and Pisc and falling in Follwing condition prove dangerious.
a. Nak divisible by Three. e.g. Kritka Ardra ashlesha etc
b. Sandhis,22 nd dreshkon,64 th Nav and 88 th Dwadshamsha.
c. Janma Naks and its Trine.
7. TRSP falling in Ari Leo and Sag indicate early cure for patient
Note :If Sag only without condition a b and c it is OK.
Effects by Posn OF TRSP in various Nak is also summarised by key words .
A. In Nak of Ketu = Quarrels and likly death
B. Nak of Venus = Blessings may be got
C.Nak of Sun = Fear of Heat
D. Nak of Moon = Loss of material wealth and fluid.
E. Nak of Mars = Wounded vanqushed
F. Nak of Rahu = Snake may be seen
G. Nak of Jup = Blessings of pious Brahimans
H. Nak of Sat = Loss
I. Nak of Mer = death of near or dear one around.
Here Mandi is calculated for Middle part of Sat khand and above principals in some cases are revealing and in other fails. Still learning experimenting about theories of Prasna Margs in limited way. I thought to share and invite comments.
if some one else has also applied on the lines described.

_________________old message_________________
nmae naray[ay,> > om namo näräyaëäya
Dear Saaji, Normally Trisphuta is used in Prashna and no classics used in natal horoscopy.Regarding Trisphuta and all informations about it including the Trisphuta graha Yoga Dasha can be seen in Prashna Margam 6th Adhyaya, shloka Nos.28 to 66.Here it gives complete details of Trisphuta,it Vargas mainly Drekkana,Hora,Navamsha,Trimshamsha,Dwadashamsha.I can not quote those informations as it is a very vast subject.As you said , if no information is available about a native's Nisheka Lagna or any information, we can get all those informations through Prashna and Prashna means we have to look into all the factors mentioned in Prashna Margam and not as per natal horoscopy.But delineating from Prashna requires a lot of knowledge,divine powers,and mainly the practising Astrologer has to follow certain rules as mentioned in the beginning chapetrs of Prashna margam.Just anybody can not give the predictions from Prashna.It is more practical and divine than natal Astrology and here all kind of nimittas,omens will be taken into considration. As per me, we should seperately dedicate to Prashna Shastra and study it.We should not mix it with natal Horoscopy.but as you said in Prashna Trisphuta is given more importance. I hope this helps you. With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,> Ramadas Rao.> saaji kulangara <saajik@y...> wrote: Namaste Ramdasji,
I was refering to Prashna only. Since many jyotishis do Prashna many times a day for different people I dont understand how they are able to calculate these very fast.Some other calculations are even more complex. As you said only upasana can help to do all these. Some scholars say that what all mentioned for Jataka can apply in Prashna also and vice versa.(We do this) Actually I have with me a commentary on Brihat Jataka written in the 1930's (in my mother tongue) by a PanditaRaja (from where I got how to use these, he suggests this method for Prashna only) of that period and the author noted that if nisheka lagna is not available we can go with prashna lagna.( In Karma &> Free Will article by Pt Sanjay Ji, he talks about nisheka lagna (Para 2, this is not a practical proposition....), hence I think Sanjay Ji also might be using Prashna if so required ) However the author also quotes with authority that if many views are given we have to consider the first one for Jataka while other one in Prashna etc; Anyway, I think that we can apply these in Jataka also. The author says from trisphuta in divs we can calculate the good and bad of all our relatives. (But since we have better options available we need not use this, or why they use this complex method in Prashna also beats me) Like, in Drekkana, from trisphuta rashi Lord's dispositor we can understand all abt father, in hora abt mother etc; for others in other divs! I wrote this to Sri Chandrashekharji also. I cant quote the shlokas (for you to interpret) and also dont know whether I used his lines correctly. Did you see these mentioned in Prashna Marga anywhere? Are we giving too much importance to Trisphuta? : -)
Best Regards, Saaji> ---
Ramadas Rao wrote:` nmae naray[ay, om namo näräyaëäya Dear Saaji,
Only expert Jyotishi can do all these interpretaion who has mastered Prashna Margam and do meditation regularly.I have not seen any book which tells how to use Trisphuta in natal Astrology. If you know,please write to me. With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,
Ramadas Rao.
saaji kulangara wrote: Namaste Ramdasji, Thank you very much for your reply. Now that you refered Mandi quoting Prashna Marga, I look forward for Sri Chandrashekharji's reply. For me, the calculation is tedious. The good and bad of father, mother, brother etc to be seen from Trisphuta in various divisionals? I wonder how Jyotishis are using this in Prashna when Lagna sphuta changes fast. Best Regards,

Dear Saaji, As per Prashna Margam,by adding Lagna Sphuta, Chandra Sphuta and Mandi Sphuta, we get Trisphuta.To this Trisphuta, if Surya Sphuta is added, we get Chatusphuta ,and if Rahu Sphuta is added, then it becomes Pancha Sphuta. So then see these longitudes in other D-charts to get these Sphutas. I hope this helps you. With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.
saaji kulangara wrote: Dear learned members, Would some one tell me how to calculate Trisphuta' in Rashi and divisionals ?Thanx a lot in advance. Best Regards, Saaji

Dear Srivastavaji,I have sent you a mail, but not certain whether it's posted or not. My net connectivity is very slow!Just want to thank you for this mail. You explained me the use, I'm yet to obtain a copy of Prashna Margam, hence this is a new concept for me. If I learn something new , or something more than you wrote, I'll send you a personal mail, as I've done now.Best Regards,Saaji

Dear friends,
After above , in my usual way i did study trisphute principle whenever occassion arose and find it helpful.Later on through Shri Visti lecture i came to know some simple principles of Trisphuta use in querry related to health matter.This lecture was delivered at Nagpur after SJC conference in Nagpur.
I will summarise my findings with actual life examples at a later date.
I will appreciate comments.
Hari om tatsat

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